Mike’s News Nov 22

18-24 Nov Antibiotic Resistance www.who.int/campaigns/world-antibiotic-awareness-week/en/
22Nov-14Dec NZQA exams
29 Nov Ocean Observers online workshop focuses on educational activities.
1 Dec World AIDS Day https://www.nzaf.org.nz/ (Red Ribbon)
4 Dec Total Solar eclipse, only visible from parts of Antarctica
5 Dec World Soil Day www.nzsoils.org.nz
5 Dec Tauranga STEMfest 2021 https://www.facebook.com/stemfestnz Cancelled
Moon 3Q 28 Nov     NM 4 Dec     1Q 11 Dec     FM 19 Dec
  1. SCENZ provides resources for teaching chemistry at https://nzic.org.nz/scenz/resources/ e.g. Zip file for Let’s Talk Chemistry by Prof John Packer, links for animations and videos, teaching resources such as a complete spectroscopy module …
  2. “I was sad to read of the demise of Kel Anglesea in the NZ Herald. Many a great time at conferences and in geology with him. A towering totara taken too soon.” Leeana Kent
  3. The link for mātauranga Māori panel last week was incorrect. Should be https://youtu.be/tQp186gb8ls
  4. Do you know anyone who might be keen to join the animal ethics committee? NZASE is looking for a new chairperson. Please contact doug.walker@stpats.school.nz


  1. Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
  2. Mātauranga Māori
  3. Pedagogy:
  4. Professional reading/watching:
  5. Revision:
    • Erica Jar’s summary of factors affecting genetic diversity and allele frequency:
  6. HoD:
  7. Digital support:
  8. Teacher opportunity:
    • RNZ Air Force School to Skies Camp for teachers17-21 Jan, RNZAF base, Auckland. Includes support from CORE Ed in translating teachers’ on-base STEM experiences into classroom content. Apply by 5pm 28 Nov. https://rnzaf.schooltoskies.co.nz/info/


  1. Biology:
  2. Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
  3. Earth & Space Science:
  4. Chemistry:
  5. Physics:
  6. Primary & intermediate:
  7. Nature of Science:
  8. Science of COVID:
  9.  EfS:
  10.  Science:


  1. Need an up-to-date periodic table? Shower curtain $20 from Surplus Direct or poster $30 from SciPAD – compare with the $143 Delta version!

Cheers, Mike

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