Dates to Note
- Already mentioned:
1-28 Feb Bikewise month. Many cities will run a bike-to-work day
1-28 Feb Heart Awareness Month
12 Feb International Charles Darwin Day
18 Feb Dr Philip Hume lectures on The invasion of non-native plants in Wellington
20 Feb Teacher Council’s Tapasā PLD workshop West Ak 6:30 – 8:45pm
26 Feb Teacher Council’s Tapasā PLD workshop Palmerston North 3:30 – 5:45pm
28 Feb The Science of Learning – online learning (3h weekly) starts & continues for 5 weeks
Moon 1Q Feb. 13 FM Feb. 20 3Q Feb. 27 NM Mar 7.
- Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
- National Library has created some curiosity cards that invite students to think critically about images.
- Practical strategies for supporting Māori students
- Pedagogy:
- Step by step process for finding a project students are passionate about
- In January the NZ Herald ran stories on 5 consecutive days about teaching students in context & 4 of these had lovely science connections.
- Reading:
- The following links are to SET articles made free in 2018.
Researching game-based learning practices in Aotearoa New Zealand
Pedagogical scaffolding: Resourcing children’s amazing capacity to learn and uptake language
Cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy: A bicultural mana ōrite perspective
- The following links are to SET articles made free in 2018.
- Student competitions:
- 2019 International Science Opportunities for yr 12 & 13 students from Royal Society.
- Info attached on dissection kits from Pete Smith from Science Resource Box.
- Geology:
- Link to a Connected article looking at what scientists have learned from the Christchurch earthquakes. Strong Nature of Science focus.
- Biology:
- Article from New Scientist on why humans are hairy (seems to be publicly available)
- Ideas for CREST investigations in a gene editing context. Jessie McKenzie, Royal Society.
- Astronomy:
- NASA photos of Mars surface collated into a captioned photo montage giving some background info then below that a stunning video. Jessie McKenzie, Royal Society
- Chemistry:
- Plastic Challenge resource: A series of lessons to extend students’ knowledge & understanding of plastics & its waste on a global scale. Linking to materials & their properties, the environment, & recycling, these resources contain investigations & activities aimed at both primary & secondary.
- Sarah Masters’ – The Curious History of The Periodic Table. Podcast of an interview on National Radio
- Physics:
- A reminder about online support material available from Ak Uni to support the teaching of physics content in 90940 & 91171.
- NZ Transport Agency has physics units for juniors in the context of road safety and seniors in the context of crash avoidance.
Can You Help?
- “Please ask teachers what topics they are using for B3.2 Socio-scientific issue? Want to see if we can move away from HGP?” Alison Baatjes.
- “We are looking at making a L2 general science internally assessed course for kids who have not meet the Bi Ch Px pre-requisites but want to engage in science at L2. I am trying to create something wider than bio that is not overly literacy heavy and was hoping the email list might be able to help with ideas or resources. I have found little on TKI – I’m sure others have such a senior science course!” Janine Carr
Cheers, Mike