26May-1Jun | Samoan language week hwww.mpia.govt.nz |
31 May | World Smoke-free Day www.worldsmokefreeday.org.nz |
31 May | Early bird registration for U-Learn conference closes. |
1 Jun | World milk day https://worldmilkday.org/ |
5 Jun | World Environment Day www.4million.org.nz www.mfe.govt.nz |
5 Jun | Arbour Day. www.treesforsurvival.org |
8 Jun | World Oceans day www.theoceanproject.org/wod/wod_ideas.php |
7-9 Jun | 40hr Famine weekend www.famine.org.nz |
Moon | 3Q May 27 NM Jun 3 1Q Jun 10 FM Jun 17 |
- Pedagogy:
- Effective Pedagogy resource – useful discussion for your dept. Especially good for new teachers. https://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Inclusive-practices/Implementing-an-inclusive-curriculum/Effective-pedagogy-for-all-students
- Geology:
- An ELI activity about the toughness/resistance of rocks in different places. https://www.earthlearningidea.com/PDF/312_Hard_soft_rocks.pdf
- An ELI activity on fossilisation https://www.earthlearningidea.com/PDF/176_Fossilisation_film.pdf
- Biology:
- A skin fungus that has plagued frogs and toads worldwide has become the world’s worst invasive killer, displacing cats and rodents. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a pathogen spread by the wildlife trade. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/frog-killing-bd-chytrid-fungus-death-toll?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=latest-newsletter-v2&utm_source=&utm_medium=&utm_campaign=
- DoC has card- and board-games about freshwater ecosystems. https://www.doc.govt.nz/get-involved/conservation-education/resources/freshwater-board-and-card-games/
- Chemistry:
- Explore your favourite element at http://www.rsc.org/periodic-table which (among other things) has information on what each element is used for and a short video or 2.
- Royal Soc of Chem article about how to teach students to write equations & formulae. Ian Torrie. https://eic.rsc.org/cpd/chemical-formulas-and-equations/3010001.article
- Physics:
- Einstein Videos are short talks by researchers & postgrad students about aspects of General Relativity https://www.otago.ac.nz/sciences/news/open-days/otago304801.html
- This Classroom Investigation Series unit about solar-generated electricity explores how solar facilities generate electricity, the trade-offs involved in large-scale solar facilities, and the interest groups that inform decisions about whether to approve new solar facilities. https://www.blm.gov/documents/national-office/public-room/educational-material/solar-energy-classroom-investigation
- Astronomy:
- Astronomy animations & simulations https://astro.unl.edu/naap/
- Astronomy for kids – the links at the bottom provide info about choosing a telescope, tracking the ISS, studying the stars, understanding light pollution etc. http://giftedgeek.co.uk/astronomy-for-kids/
- AgHort:
- Some ideas here may be useful for World Milk Day on Saturday:
- Milk from cow to store https://milk.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000658
- Milk processing http://www.milkfacts.info/Milk%20Processing/Milk%20Processing%20Page.htm
- DairyNZ resources include lots of free posters & the Can It Ice Cream practical teaching unit for yrs 1-8 https://www.dairynzschools.co.nz/teachers-resources
- Other experiments with milk https://www.pinterest.nz/KimberlyScottScience/milk-experiments/
- Nature of Science:
- The Otago Daily Times has an insert each Monday called World Focus which often provides articles useful to explore the Nature of Science. Not available online. Try your library.
- eLearning:
- Project Learning Tree presents 12 free science apps focusing on topics such as climate change, trees, conservation, and weather. The apps in this list include stand-alone games, interactive teaching tools, and reference guides. https://bit.ly/2wgPfzX
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- A reminder of the 4 or more flavours of PD NZIP continues to offer physics teachers: one-on-one help for teachers, the $125/yr secure resources, the $60/yr membership that gets you a $50 prize voucher for your physics kids and the back-to-uni PD days put on throughout the year around NZ. Go to https://nzip.org.nz/ and then Education
- A podcast from Teaching Council busting myths about appraisal. https://soundcloud.com/user-94237250/mythbusting-special-appraisal
- Kohia Teachers Centre course on NCEA for newbies Robin Headifen, 19 June, Auckland.
- The NZ Association for Environmental Ed (NZAEE) is seeking a new Coordinator to run Seaweek 2020 & the Hauraki Gulf Monitoring Project 2019. A job description for both positions can be downloaded here. The full role description for the Seaweek Coordinator is here & for HGMP Manager is here. Application deadline is 12 noon, 4 June.
- Hobsonville Point Secondary School will have some part-time junior science LTR work from term 3. It’s about 3 half days a week but could be topped up with casual relief. For more info or to express interest contact Andrea.tritton@hobsonvillepoint.school.nz
Cheers, Mike