29 Jan | Chinese New Year begins (year of the snake) https://chinesenewyear.net/ |
31 Jan | Applications close for Einstein Plus physics teachers workshop Ontario. |
1-28 Feb | Bike Ready month http://www.bikeready.govt.nz/schools |
1-28 Feb | Heart Awareness Month www.heartfoundation.org.nz/for-women |
2 Feb | World Wetlands Day DoC’s wetland page Wetland Trust |
4 Feb | World Cancer Day https://www.worldcancerday.org/ |
5 Feb | Applications close for Science Teaching Leadership Programme. Info here. |
Moon | NM Jan 30 1Q Feb 5 FM Feb 13 3Q Feb 21 |
- Talks that may be relevant for us
- Women in STEM panel 11 Feb, 6:30-7:30 Te Pae Chch Convention Centre.
- Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science and Heritage in Palmerston North has a science exhibition on Sunlight – Ihi Kōmaru, until Sep. https://www.temanawa.co.nz/event/sunlight-ihi-komaru
- Dates for 2025 relevant for science teachers (provisional)
- Mātauranga Māori:
- He Kete Mātauranga looks at Māori knowledge with respect to climate change https://climateconnectnz.com/learn/he-kete-matauranga
- Professional reading/watching/listening:
- A compelling article on why science needs the humanities https://e-tangata.co.nz/comment-and-analysis/we-dismiss-the-fluffy-stuff-at-our-peril
- TLRI research report on addressing ‘plant blindness’ (an inability to notice plants) through place-based education – full report and poster. Links to mātauranga Māori here too.
- Teacher Opportunities:
- Student opportunities:
- As part of an Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology conference, there’ll be outreach events including a public lecture by a Nobel Laureate, a Women in STEM panel evening and a series of workshops where yr 12-13 students can meet STEM role models. Christchurch 9-13 Feb.
- Project Frankenplane involves students designing, building & flying a plane that uses free parts from other planes. Google form for expressions of interest.
- Science Careers:
- The Education Gazette I Tukutuku Kōrero is now an online-only publication produced 12X / year. Website where you can subscribe for free https://gazette.education.govt.nz/
- The NZ Royal Society is concerned about a new fraudulent website, representing the “Royal Academy of Sciences New Zealand” and using the acronym RASNZ. It’s quite sophisticated, with genuine content alongside fake. Their official website remains at www.royalsociety.org.nz
- Biology:
- Ankle replacement Xray for students to see what it looks like. Plastic in gap for articulation, screwed metatarsals to straighten foot. [from Anna Roberts]
- Schol Bio Rdgs Yes the Sci Am articles are behind a pay wall, but $1 gives you access for a month (rather than $40 for longer term access).
- Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
- TED talk from Jill Farrant – How we can make crops survive without water
- Vegetable NZ has videos about the production of 15 different vegetables https://www.vegetables.co.nz/about-us/our-growers/our-growers/
- Earth & Space Science:
- Make a sundial https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/advice/how-to-make-a-portable-sundial
- An Ocean Zones Activity plus density jar demo and video
- Article distinguishing between active, dormant & extinct volcanoes
- Chemistry:
- Ways to teach conservation of mass https://edu.rsc.org/ideas/4-ways-to-teach-the-law-of-conservation-of-mass/4019851.article (EDU wing of RSC is free to join)
- Article and activity about antioxidants https://www.scienceinschool.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/issue13antioxidants15_large.jpg
- Physics:
- Poster on the physics of sport https://resources.perimeterinstitute.ca/products/the-science-of-sport
- An interactive on the Doppler effect focusing on sound and starlight https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/doppler-effect.html
- Primary & intermediate:
- Investigate how sugary drinks affect your teeth https://www.york.ac.uk/media/ciec/industryathome/sugarydrinks/Sugary%20Drinks%20-%20IndusTRY%20AT%20HOME.pdf
- Activities on optics https://thefutureisoptics.com/resource-center/#fun
- Science:
- Contextual resources from Teach Engineering for years 3–12 show how engineers tackle challenges in coding, problem-solving & technology. https://www.teachengineering.org/populartopics/view/computing
- Articles for students from Science News Explores: Fake news – how not to fall for it and Fact checking – how to think like a journalist.
- In Nov, ERO released their report on NCEA Level 1. You can find it here
- Results of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2023) released in Dec 2024: Results here for NZ, info on the international study here and final results will go up here
- Until remedied, bio teachers should avoid using the new Coast to Coast assessment task released with the revised AS 91604 Homeostasis. Its marking schedule doesn’t match the std.
- There is substantial change to CB 1.2. Access the PPT and recording from Dec 2024 online CB session here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13DKGgHXQz631TGotIrW5qpeOU2t65aqI
- Data for 2024 NZQA exams & internals, all subj, all levels [Dave Thrasher] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pRD0PzGC0Fzn0-KMjjjtuzIhkhqI8MANfOu0PrkoUew/edit
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- Science Learning Hub Webinar – Taking a knowledge systems approach in the classroom: Some dos and don’ts. Pauline Waiti, Lian Soh and Rosemary Hipkins explore examples of mātauranga and science in the classroom. 20 Feb 4-4:45pm.
- Field-Based STEM flexi-conferences. $285. At 12 different centres. On 42 different topics in bio, chem, phys, astro, geo; for primary & secondary. Venues listed, topics described on booking form.
- Steve Saville and Jacque Allan are offering PLD for principals. Start in March. Mix of F2F & online. Info for Whangarei, Auckland & Hamilton and Rural Principals (Nth and Sth Island)
- PhET is offering free courses for teachers on using their science simulations:
- The Sir Paul Callaghan Science Academy funding is confirmed to provide 4 days of PLD in Auckland 1-4 Jul (in the hols). Aims to enhance confidence and competence of year 1-8 teachers in science. Info here.
- Recipe for making slime without borax. Attached
- Nice little acid/base prac: Have students draw two circles in pencil on some filter paper and pipette 1.0M NaOH into 1 & 1.0M HCl into the other. Between the circles put a line of Universal Indicator drops, which changes colour as the acid and base migrate through the paper and meet.
- Entries for STEM UK’s technician tips competition may be useful (you’ll need to join but its free) https://community.stem.org.uk/discussion/technicians-top-tips-competition-thread
Cheers, Mike
Mike’s News is brought to you with the generous support of Warp Computers and NZASE