Mike’s News Jan 27

29 Jan Chinese New Year begins (year of the snake) https://chinesenewyear.net/
31 Jan Applications close for Einstein Plus physics teachers workshop Ontario.
1-28 Feb Bike Ready month http://www.bikeready.govt.nz/schools
1-28 Feb Heart Awareness Month www.heartfoundation.org.nz/for-women
2 Feb World Wetlands Day DoC’s wetland page Wetland Trust
4 Feb World Cancer Day https://www.worldcancerday.org/
5 Feb Applications close for Science Teaching Leadership Programme. Info here.
Moon NM Jan 30      1Q Feb 5      FM Feb 13      3Q Feb 21
  1. Talks that may be relevant for us
  2. Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science and Heritage in Palmerston North has a science exhibition on Sunlight – Ihi Kōmaru, until Sep. https://www.temanawa.co.nz/event/sunlight-ihi-komaru
  3. Dates for 2025  relevant for science teachers (provisional)


  1. Mātauranga Māori:
  2. Professional reading/watching/listening:
  3. Teacher Opportunities:
    • The Heart Foundation is piloting a free workshop to help school staff in looking after their heart health. Register your interest here, & please complete a survey to help refine the workshop
  4. Student opportunities:
    • As part of an Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology conference, there’ll be outreach events including a public lecture by a Nobel Laureate, a Women in STEM panel evening and a series of workshops where yr 12-13 students can meet STEM role models. Christchurch 9-13 Feb.
    • Project Frankenplane involves students designing, building & flying a plane that uses free parts from other planes. Google form for expressions of interest.
  5. Science Careers:
  6. The Education Gazette I Tukutuku Kōrero is now an online-only publication produced 12X / year. Website where you can subscribe for free https://gazette.education.govt.nz/
  7. The NZ Royal Society is concerned about a new fraudulent website, representing the “Royal Academy of Sciences New Zealand” and using the acronym RASNZ. It’s quite sophisticated, with genuine content alongside fake. Their official website remains at www.royalsociety.org.nz


  1. Biology:
    • Ankle replacement Xray for students to see what it looks like. Plastic in gap for articulation, screwed metatarsals to straighten foot. [from Anna Roberts]
    • Schol Bio Rdgs Yes the Sci Am articles are behind a pay wall, but $1 gives you access for a month (rather than $40 for longer term access).
  2. Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
  3. Earth & Space Science:
  4. Chemistry:
  5. Physics:
  6. Primary & intermediate:
  7.  Science:


  1. In Nov, ERO released their report on NCEA Level 1. You can find it here
  2. Results of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2023) released in Dec 2024: Results here for NZ, info on the international study here and final results will go up here
  3. Until remedied, bio teachers should avoid using the new Coast to Coast assessment task released with the revised AS 91604 Homeostasis. Its marking schedule doesn’t match the std.
  4. There is substantial change to CB 1.2. Access the PPT and recording from Dec 2024 online CB session here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13DKGgHXQz631TGotIrW5qpeOU2t65aqI
  5. Data for 2024 NZQA exams & internals, all subj, all levels [Dave Thrasher] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pRD0PzGC0Fzn0-KMjjjtuzIhkhqI8MANfOu0PrkoUew/edit

Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities

  1. Science Learning Hub Webinar Taking a knowledge systems approach in the classroom: Some dos and don’ts. Pauline Waiti, Lian Soh and Rosemary Hipkins explore examples of mātauranga and science in the classroom. 20 Feb 4-4:45pm.
  2. Field-Based STEM flexi-conferences. $285. At 12 different centres. On 42 different topics in bio, chem, phys, astro, geo; for primary & secondary. Venues listed, topics described on booking form.
  3. Steve Saville and Jacque Allan are offering PLD for principals. Start in March. Mix of F2F & online. Info for Whangarei, Auckland & Hamilton and Rural Principals (Nth and Sth Island)
  4. PhET is offering free courses for teachers on using their science simulations:
  5. The Sir Paul Callaghan Science Academy funding is confirmed to provide 4 days of PLD in Auckland 1-4 Jul (in the hols). Aims to enhance confidence and competence of year 1-8 teachers in science. Info here.


  1. Recipe for making slime without borax. Attached
  2. Nice little acid/base prac: Have students draw two circles in pencil on some filter paper and pipette 1.0M NaOH into 1 & 1.0M HCl into the other. Between the circles put a line of Universal Indicator drops, which changes colour as the acid and base migrate through the paper and meet.
  3. Entries for STEM UK’s technician tips competition may be useful (you’ll need to join but its free) https://community.stem.org.uk/discussion/technicians-top-tips-competition-thread

Cheers, Mike

Mike’s News is brought to you with the generous support of Warp Computers and NZASE