5 Jun | World Environment Day www.4million.org.nz www.mfe.govt.nz |
5 Jun | Arbor Day https://www.tfsnz.org.nz/ |
6 Jun | MoE webinar on understanding hijab 3:30-4:15 pm. Register here |
7 Jun | Deadline to apply for MWC scholarship to attend Molec Bio conf. Info in MN 13 May |
8 Jun | World Oceans day www.theoceanproject.org/wod/wod_ideas.php |
8 Jun | Day/night intro to astronomy course at Pūkorokoro Miranda. Register interest here |
10Jun1886 | Anniversary Mt Tarawera eruption www.teara.govt.nz/en/historic-volcanic-activity/page-2 |
12-15 Jun | Fieldays, Mystery Creek, Hamilton |
14 Jun | World Blood Donor Day www.nzblood.co.nz |
15 Jun | Global Wind Day www.windenergy.org.nz/resources/for-teachers |
17-21Jun | National Schools Pride Week https://insideout.org.nz/ |
Moon | NM Jun 7 1Q Jun 14 FM June 22 3Q Jun 29 |
- Talks that may be relevant for us
- GNS researcher Mawera Karetai has planned 3 workshops with GNS seismologists in Whakatane about the need to prepare for a megathrust earthquake & tsunami predicted in the next 50 yrs. All at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. 25Jun booked out. Our Changing Coast (26Jun 8:30–4) on fault movement, climate change & sea level rise is for students & teachers. Same for adults only the next day. Contact Marewa to book a place.
- Professional reading/watching/listening:
- Australia also has issues about what to do with sets of human skeletons https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-12/human-bones-teaching-skeleton-medicine/103763388
- SET 3, 2023 has articles on science partnering with mana whenua, food waste literacy, putting place & culture at the heart of learning, using a problem-solving mindset in assessment …
- Student opportunities:
- Each Rabobank’s Good Deeds program calls for entries from rural schools for community projects to win $5k cash & a day’s labour. https://www.rabobank.co.nz/good-deeds/
- Lincoln uni is hosting a free on-campus soils workshop looking at the properties, biology, nitrates and emissions in relation to soil. Th 20 Jun 9am-2pm. Register here
- Auckland uni is holding an information evening to showcase 10 different types of engineering from their Women in Engineering students. Wed 5 Jun, 6-8pm at UoA & online. Register here.
- LEARNZ’s next virtual field trip What Lies Beneath is about mapping the sea floor. Ākonga will learn how this data is collected, investigated, & used. Sign up here. 10 Jun.
- Farm2Future Camp is a free camp hosted by Lincoln Uni & Rabobank to show South Island yr 12 students career opportunities available in the Food & Fibre sector. Apply here by 5pm, 5 Jun.
- Teacher Opportunities:
- STEM Alliance Aotearoa are hosting a STEM educators expo at MOTAT in Ak, 1 Jul, 4:30-7pm.
- Applications are now open for the next PM’s science prizes. Info here. Deadline 1pm 30 Sep.
- The L3 Bio exams from BEANZ are now available for members to download.
- Biology:
- Images of camouflaged animals https://www.livescience.com/animals/camouflaged-animals-are-hiding-in-every-one-of-these-photos-can-you-spot-them-all
- Cosmos article about a transgenic cow that produces insulin in its milk
- Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
- A new website, Science for Farmers, showcases sustainable practices to boost profitability, protect the environment, & reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. https://bit.ly/3R5Ktip
- For world milk day (1 Jun) a simple animation on how cows make milk and another on how it is processed.
- Earth & Space Science:
- A stargazing guide: The Night Sky June
- A text about the atmosphere https://serc.carleton.edu/teachearth/search.html?search_text=atmosphere
- This activity explores definitions of earth’s layers based on the chemical composition or the mechanical properties. https://www.earthlearningidea.com/PDF/443_Chocolate_plates.pdf
- Chemistry:
- A digital lesson where students measure, record and graph the temperature of water as ice is heated to boiling https://virtualscienceteachers.org/heating-ice-lab/
- Teaching the chemistry of chromatography https://edu.rsc.org/cpd/how-to-teach-chromatography-at-post-16/4019097.article
- Physics:
- Interactive tutorials on waves from Compadre and Oak National Academy.
- Primary & intermediate:
- Curiosity – The Story of a Mars Rover by Markus Motum is a picture book for older children. The robot narrator talks about Mars, NASA missions and rovers & how Curiosity was named.
- For milk day (1 Jun): Make plastic from milk, take a virtual tour of a dairy farm, make icecream in a bag
- Nature of Science:
- A reading for students on correlation and causation https://www.snexplores.org/article/scientists-say-correlation-causation-definition-pronunciation
- New standards
- A poster on the types of investigations ATspc: Types of Investigations ATspc
Can you help?
- NZASE is running a survey to help them identify and prioritise their resources and efforts. They would be grateful for your input and thoughts. https://forms.gle/kQPx2iBzom43jKA69. All responses can go in for the draw for one of 2 $100 prezzy cards.
- MoE has produced carbon footprints for all state schools & kura. The footprint offers a representative picture of each school’s emissions as well as the collective impact of 2,100 state schools and kura. To get a copy email here. More info here.
- STANZ offers scholarships to support technicians to attend the ConSTANZ conference at St Peters, Cambridge 1-3 Oct. https://stanz.nzase.org.nz/stanz-get-constanz-grants/ Apply by 28 Jun
Cheers, Mike
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