28 Aug | 4-5pm ASTA online cluster on CB1.3. Zoom link |
29 Aug | International Day Against Nuclear tests www.un.org/en/events/againstnucleartestsday/ |
30 Aug | Daffodil Day www.daffodilday.org.nz/ |
30 Aug 1871 | Ernest Rutherford was born http://www.rutherford.org.nz/ |
31 Aug | Deadline to apply for STEM mentors for APEC Activity. View guidelines. |
1 Sep | NZ Random Acts of Kindness Day https://rak.co.nz/ |
1-30 Sep | Save our Sight Month www.nzao.co.nz |
4 Sep | 2-4pm Primary Sci PLD for South Island, online Zoom link Register. |
5 Sep | 2-4pm Primary PLD at Mission Heights Junior College Auckland, face to face. Register. |
8 Sep | International Literacy day https://en.unesco.org/themes/literacy-all |
14-21 Sep | Māori Language week www.tetaurawhiri.govt.nz ; www.reomaori.co,.nz |
Moon | 3Q Aug 26 NM Sep 3 1Q Sep 11 FM Sep 18 |
- Raising the Bar 27 Aug – 20 comprises fascinating talks at ten bars in inner-city Auckland.
- On Sat 14 Sep, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Royal Society celebrate 150 years with a House of Science Expo 9am-12pm & a Celebratory Dinner with a speaker from Rocket Lab. Find out more.
- Resources for Māori Language week, 14-21 Sep (beware, some sources have different dates)
- This year’s theme is Ake Ake Ake, A forever language
- Ideas, resources & posters can be sourced at the URLs above & 2 face book pages Te Wiki o te Reo Māori and Te Taura Whiri I te reo Māori and on Instagram & Twitter
- Ideas for schools here https://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Curriculum-resources/National-events-and-the-NZC/Te-Wiki-o-te-Reo-Maori
- ChemEd/BioLive early bird registrations (which give you $100 off the registration fee) close Sep 13
- Pedagogy:
- Article on using analogies https://www.animateyour.science/post/why-are-analogies-and-metaphors-crucial-for-science-communication
- A recorded webinar from a science specialist on questioning techniques with live classroom examples from both primary and secondary settings (you’ll need to sign up but it’s free).
- Student opportunities:
- Yr 12/13 students can apply for The PM’s Future Scientist Prize, with an outstanding practical and innovative research project in a STEM subject. Apply for the prize by 1pm 30 Oct
- Sailing opportunities with History, STEM &/or EfS lessons https://www.runa-yachtingnz.org.nz
- Literacy:
- The Connected journal had straightforward readings/PowerPoints aimed at levels 2, 3 or 4 of the curriculum & was focused on Science until 2020. Article summary 2011 to 2020 and Index 1998 to 2020
- Digital tools:
- Eliot Attridge, Marlborough Boys’ has shared his solution to some digital problems of the L1 CAAs in a OneNote notebook here bit.ly/EliotCAT CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 so free to use/adapt.
- Gizmos provide interactive maths and science labs and simulations for grades 3-12. The free ones are here https://gizmos.explorelearning.com/find-gizmos/free-gizmos
- The latest NZASE newsletter articles: 2 posters on sports at the Olympics, an article on Tiakitanga for anyone & 1 on Kiwi genetics for members only as well as a profile of scientist Christian Stiegler.
- The latest Tukutuku Korero / Education Gazette has articles on a yr 7 science program, PM’s science teacher awardee, BoI health academy, the Virtual Learning Network & blended learning.
- Feedback (3min survey) on proposed changes to teacher training requirements due 5pm Aug 30.
- Biology:
- Online frog dissection animation and worksheets are free – you need to pay to get the assessments. https://gizmos.explorelearning.com/find-gizmos/lesson-info
- The Watson & Crick 1953 paper + a graphic organiser to help students unravel it. A freebie from Teachers Pay Teachers (you’ll need to join, but it’s free).
- Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
- NZ Beef & Lamb module on soils https://beeflambnz.com/knowledge-hub/module/understanding-your-soils (scroll down for others)
- Tomatoes NZ resources on tomato pests https://www.tomatoesnz.co.nz/hot-topics/pest-management-guide-resources-2024/
- Earth & Space Science:
- Teach Engineering resources on asteroids: https://www.teachengineering.org/curricularunits/view/csm_asteroid_tg
- On the Science Learning Hub, Magma Pop, an interactive game exploring types of magma & mineral crystallisation comes with an accompanying activity for 7-8 students and 1 for seniors.
- Chemistry:
- A list of examples of physical changes compiled by technicians: Examples of physical changes
- A senior video on the properties of water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcePiG28Mkc
- Physics:
- A video about renewable energy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJxB01HMcwU
- Build a piezoelectric generator https://www.teachengineering.org/activities/view/uoh_piezo_lesson01_activity1
- Primary & intermediate:
- House of Science videos of science activities for the classroom (scroll to the bottom) https://www.youtube.com/@houseofsciencenz1364/videos
- Seed Pod resources on Baby animals, Carnivorous plants, Native trees and freshwater bugs
- Science:
- Collections of science posters here and here.
- Teaching resources on satellite meteorology https://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/satmet/index.html
- Education for Sustainability (EfS)
- A US video about the effects of climate change & human activity on coral reefs, and how scientists are developing ways to restore corals.
- In this recorded webinar Prof. Heather Purdie, talks about glaciers including how scientists measure their growth (or shrinkage) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEdSC4YWrhQ
- New standards
- Some of the discussions at the ASTA clusters this week were recorded: CB 1.1 (full recording); Sc 1.2 presenter & PPT; and in association with NZASE, resources for S1.3 and S1.4 here.
- I have been working on some resources to help with CB1.3 – 2 are in NZASE and BEANZ newsletters and another 2 here: Gene tracking in Kūmara and Paper Mulberry
- The last MoE TOD for 2024 needs to take place between Mon 21 Oct and Fri 15 Nov. https://ncea.education.govt.nz/teacher-only-days
- You can find NZQA exams at https://www.ourexams.org/ and PES exams specifically on the ESSENZ website for Level 2 and Level 3.
- The science subject associations have reached an agreement with MoE on the process for developing the new Science Curriculum. [source Ian Torrie] More info: Science Curriculum update
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- Field-Based STEM is holding conferences around NZ after the Nov exams start.
- The Amoeba Sisters are presenting a 1h PLD webinar Th 26 Sep 6-7pm PT (Fri 29 Sep 12pm NZT) https://www.thepocketlab.com/events/amoeba-sisters-video-lessons
- Remember to sign up for Hive Mind primary PLD Sep 12. https://www.scienceinavan.co.nz/free-pld
- Observe stomata opening & closing with KCl & distilled water & filter paper https://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/16437/1/Unit-7.pdf
Cheers, Mike
Mike’s News is brought to you with the generous support of NZASE and Warp Computers