Mike’s News Sep 9

1-30 Sep Save our Sight Month www.nzao.co.nz
12 Sep 4-4:45pm Hive Mind PLD for primary teachers. Register here
13 Sep Early bird registration closes for ChemEd/BioLive (dinner now full, registration a bit cheaper)
14-21 Sep Māori Language week www.tetaurawhiri.govt.nz ; www.reomaori.co,.nz
14 Sep International Observe the Moon night https://moon.nasa.gov/observe-the-moon-night/
15 Sep Deadline to apply for Otago uni’s Science Academy
16 Sep International Day to Preserve O3 www.uneptie.org/ozonaction/events/ozoneday
16 Sep Deadline for students to register for NZ chem Olympiad
18 Sep Supermoon (a full Moon at closest approach). Partial eclipse not visible from NZ during day.
18 Sep Teachers PD rocket day. $45.00. Design, build & launch a rocket in 1 day. Sign up here.
18 Sep 2-4pm NZASE Primary Sci PLD nationwide, Zoom link Register.
18 Sep Guilford & Paringatai talk about finding the stomach cancer gene, Timaru
19 Sep Guilford & Paringatai talk on finding the stomach cancer gene, Christchurch
19 Sep 4pm Science Learning hub webinar on our animals with Georgina Stewart & Sally Birdsall
22 Sep World Rivers day http://worldriversday.com/
22-28 Sep Chinese language week
23 Sep Spring Equinox NZ https://www.rasnz.org.nz/in-the-sky/sun-rise-and-set-1
23-29 Sep Mental Health Awareness Week https://mhaw.nz/
Moon 1Q Sep 11       FM Sep 18        3Q Sep 25        NM Oct 3
  1. Talks that may be relevant for us
    • At Café Scientifique Tauranga Prof Chris Battershill reviews Waikato uni’s marine research – what is happening in our harbour & along our coast? 7pm 23 Sep, Tauranga Yacht Club. $10. Register here.
  2. Resources for Māori Language week, 14-21 Sep (beware, some sources have different dates)
  3. A reminder that to join Schol Bio online tutorials, students or teachers apply here AND answer the membership question. Lots of resources once they join. Next session 14 Sep. Zoom link.


  1. Mātauranga Māori
    • Spinoff article asks If the government is trying to build a wall between mātauranga Māori & science?
  2. Student opportunities:
    • On 12 Sep there’s an interschool competition for L2 & L3 chem students based on Alchemist’s Memory Set, an interactive card game on organic chemistry. Info here. Video about it.
    • free science writing contest for teens worldwide: craft an engaging, creative article that explains a scientific concept that has sparked their curiosity. The competition closes Sep 23.
    • Chemquest 2024 will be held at 6pm on Wed 16 Oct at Waikato uni for students studying L2 chem. Info ChemQuest Letter 2024. Invite ChemQuest Form 2024.
  3. Literacy:
  4. We can vote for our bird of the year https://www.birdoftheyear.org.nz/


  1. Biology:
  2. Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
  3. Earth & Space Science:
  4. Chemistry:
  5. Physics:
  6. Primary & intermediate:
  7.  Science:
  8. Education for Sustainability (EfS)
    • An activity from Lauren Roberts at Lincoln uni visualising pest impact: Teachers read out text, students colour their diagram to show changes: Student diagram and teacher text
  9. New standards
  10. Te reo science resources


  1. MoE is proposing changes to remove school board obligations to human rights and te Tiriti of Waitangi. Have a look and have your say by 14 Oct – here. https://preview.education.govt.nz/have-your-say/changes-school-board-objectives-and-nelp-provisions/details

Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities

  1. Tātai Aho Rau Core Education is putting on 2 webinars for Māori Language Week. Register here.
    • Te kai a te rangatira / Celebrating te reo Māori. 3:30-4:30pm 16 Sep, $30.
    • Mātai whakamuri / A short history of te reo Māori … 3:30-4:30 19 Sep. $30
  2. STEAM Education summit Sep 23-24, Crowne Plaza, Auckland. $1599 +GST https://event.brightstar.co.nz/STEAMEducationSummit2024
  3. Massey uni (Palmerston North) is holding an Ag-Hort PD day. Applicable for Science and Bio teachers too. PD Day at Massey PN


  1. Try this practical or demo to create a photographic image of an object using light sensitive silver chloride. Includes kit list and safety instructions.

Cheers, Mike

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