19 Aug | ESS workshop for those teaching science & ESS, 9-3, Kohia, Epsom Ave, Ak |
20 Aug | ESS workshop for those teaching full ESS courses, 9-3, Kohia, Epsom Ave, Ak |
22 Aug | NZASE workshop, yrs 1-10 Sci, Berkley Normal Middle School, Hamilton. Register here |
23 Aug | Workshop enabling Pacific Success & Unpacking Tapasā |
26 Aug | NZASE Safety in school labs workshop, Nayland College. Book here. |
27 Aug | NZASE workshop, yrs 1-10 Science, Nayland College, Nelson. Register here |
29 Aug | International Day Against Nuclear tests www.un.org/en/events/againstnucleartestsday/ |
29 Aug | Talk on Aurora Australis, 6-7:30pm. BLT100, Old Bio building, Ak uni, 5 Symonds St |
29-31 Aug | NIWA Ak City Science and Technology Fair, Mt Roskill Grammar School Hall |
30 Aug | Daffodil Day www.daffodilday.org.nz/ |
30Aug 1871 | Earnest Rutherford was born http://www.rutherford.org.nz/ |
1 – 7 Sep | Tongan Language week www.mpia.govt.nz |
1-30 Sep | Save our Sight Month www.nzao.co.nz |
1-30 Sep | Asthma Awareness Month http://www.breathebetterseptember.co.nz/ |
Moon | 3Q Aug 24 NM Aug 30. 1Q Sep 6. FM Sep 14. |
- Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
- The Hub as a topic on navigation here https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/topics/navigation and waka here https://e-tangata.co.nz/korero/hoturoa-and-the-waka-legacy/
- Core Education’s 2nd infographic with ideas on how we honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi in education https://gallery.mailchimp.com/4ac5b170022f98e9de26c12f4/files/3ce75504-2599-41c0-b33b-1a3c71f97cd7/CORE_Education_Te_Tiriti_o_Waitangi_in_education_infographic.pdf
- Pedagogy: Find out about your class by using seating challenges. https://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2012/06/27/tln_merz.html?cmp=SOC-EDIT-LI
- HoD: Free resources from ASCD for new teachers and their mentors http://www.ascd.org/membership/new-teacher-resources.aspx#articles
- Geology:
- Teachers can order an Earth Science Week 2019 Toolkit – check out the contents. Kit free, $27 to ship to NZ from USA. More info http://www.earthsciweek.org/materials
- In this ELI activity pupils connect modern bivalve adaptations to their habitat then work out what ancient environments were like from the trace fossils left behind by similar organisms. https://www.earthlearningidea.com/PDF/186_Trace_fossils.pdf
- Biology:
- Online resources for a unit on coral reefs – includes coral classification, anatomy, feeding, reproduction, life cycle, distribution, environmental conditions, growth, reef types, zonation. http://www.livingoceansfoundation.org/education/portal/
- How modern life is transforming the human skeleton https://bbc.in/2L8B74v
- Astronomy:
- NASA space telescopes have identified, for the 1st time, the detailed chemical “finger-print” of an exoplanet between the sizes of Earth & Neptune. Our solar system has no planets like this, but they’re common around other stars. https://go.nasa.gov/2ZB7vAY
- Looking for aurora australis? Most aurora apps are for the northern hemisphere, but Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology tracks the optimal conditions for a southern display. See bom.gov.au/Aurora and facebook.com/groups/auroraaustralis
- Chemistry:
- Periodic Table Of Comic Books shows a list of comic book pages that mention or involve each element. This goes much deeper than Iron Man – the page on oxygen is especially interesting. http://www.uky.edu/Projects/Chemcomics/index.html
- Short article about snail mucus inspiring the development of a new superglue. https://cen.acs.org/materials/adhesives/Snail-mucus-inspires-new-superglue/97/i25
- Physics:
- Induction Forging uses an induction heater to pre-heat metal parts prior to deformation using a press or hammer. https://physicsfootnotes.com/footnotes/induction-forging/
- The successful launch of a spacecraft using photon momentum against a mylar sail for propulsion. https://cosmosmagazine.com/space/lightsail-away
- Science:
- UK’s Wellcome Trust produces Explorify, a free resource of engaging, creative science activities designed to spark curiosity, discussion & debate. Check it out here.
- Royal Society Te Apārangi has released a new report“Plastics in the Environment: Te Ao Hurihuri – The Changing World”. This evidence summary explores NZ’s use & disposal of plastics & the effects on the environment & human health. Download from https://royalsociety.org.nz/plastics .
- Primary
- This animation teaches younger students about magnets and compasses http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmsc/activities/simulations/gr2/unitf.html
- Nature of Science
- NZ Herald’s complex graphic about NZ whales: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/NZ-Whale-graphic.pdf This is a great graphic to interrogate if students are exploring representations from a NoS perspective. The online version was nowhere near as clever, although it had much the same info: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/news/article.cfm?c_id=7&objectid=12237482
Help On Offer
Pauline Waiti is setting up a Kahui Pūtoi (online network) for teachers & kaiako of Science & Pūtaiao. If you would like to be part of this please email pauline.waiti@gmail.com
Key messages from NCEA Review: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/RAS-RG-Key-Messages-150819.pdf
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- Workshops for tiny-tots’ teachers (& parents & grandparents) at Science Playroom, 406 Great North Rd, Henderson, 6-8pm. Pizza + fruit. $40. Amanda Fourie. Book at info@scienceplayroom.co.nz . Chemistry workshop 23 Oct. Physics & Biology 30 Oct.
- Following on from her Critical Thinking & Schol Bio Workshop in March, Alison Campbell is back in Auckland with a 2nd workshop: Schol Bio Prep Day 2019, Sancta Maria College, 319 Te Irirangi Dr, Botany South, Sat 21 Sep 10am – 3pm (approx). There’s no charge to attend. All students & teachers welcome. If you are interested please email Shane the school name and the students names ASAP. williamson@sanctamaria.school.nz
- Remaining BEANZ term 3 clusters for Auckland Biology teachers. 4-5:30 pm. Please bring something to share:
- Sancta Maria College Wed 4 Sep. Agenda: NCEA changes. RSVP ChandarD@tangaroa.school.nz
- Mt Roskill Grammar Wed 21 Aug. Agenda: NCEA changes, preparing for externals. RSVP mikhal@actrix.co.nz
- Courses at Kohia Teachers’ Centre:
- NCEA for newbies with Robyn Headifen 27 August 2019, 9am – 3pm
- New to the role of middle leadership in secondary school 30 August 2019, 12 – 3pm
- Frances Steinberg – The art of transforming behaviour from terrifying to terrific! 24 September 2019, 9am – 3pm
Cheers, Mike