14 Aug | NZASE workshop, yrs 1-10, Buller High School, Westport. Register here. |
15 Aug | ESSE workshop, Hagley College, Chch, 9:15 am – 3:15 pm. Book here |
16 Aug | Centrally Funded PLD Proposal due Auckland, BoP, Hawke’s Bay, Waikato |
17 Aug | Centrally Funded PLD Proposal due Tai Tokerau |
17 Aug | Game-based learning workshop Mission Heights Junior College. https://bit.ly/2xYirN7 |
27 Aug | NZASE workshop, yrs 1-10, Nayland College, Nelson. Register here |
Moon | FM Aug 16 3Q Aug 24 NM Aug 30. 1Q Sep 6. |
- Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
- The Facebook link for Living by the Stars https://www.facebook.com/Livingbythestars/
- Rangi Mātāmua’s book is available from Huia https://www.huia.co.nz/huia-bookshop/bookshop/matariki-the-star-of-the-year/
- Professional reading: The latest report from ERO details strategies used in primary schools that have successfully raised student achievement in writing. https://gazette.education.govt.nz/articles/novel-approaches-to-improving-writing-skills/
- Te Papa’s new exhibition about the natural world combines cutting-edge science with mātauranga (Māori knowledge). For schools outside Wgtn virtual visits run 9-10 am & cost $50. Using Zoom, students can ask questions of a Te Papa educator walking through with a stedicam, request close-ups & influence the focus of the tour. Booking is essential.
- Discovery Camp is a week for current Yr 12 & 13 Māori & Pasifika students with a passion for the sciences. The live-in week involves lab experience with top scientists, completing hands-on investigations into a range of topics including electron microscopy, laser physics and nano-electronics at the MacDiarmid Inst. Info here, Apply here by 26 Aug.
- Geology:
- NASA Earth Observatory: How to Interpret a Satellite ImageThese tips from the NASA Earth Observatory’s writers and visualizers, who use them to interpret images daily will help you get oriented enough to begin to unlock the rich information in a satellite image.
- Activity demonstrating sink hole processes in action https://www.earthlearningidea.com/PDF/185_Sink_hole.pdf
- Biology:
- A video clip that’s pro vaccines – The Side Effects of Vaccines – How High is the Risk? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBkVCpbNnkU&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3gfKk2YGxDSMr4JL91IZOIoAJQV6qOeCBZzngXEObDHXwg-Nf4P1RzD9Q
- For those looking at AS90927 (microbes), check out this pilot of a digital game created by NZ students and Gamefroot: Catherine Hunter, MHJC https://storage.googleapis.com/files.gamefroot.com/users/71078/games/149349/gamefroot-2019-5-7T3-48-42.481Z/index.html They are looking for feedback about the game (I like…, I wonder…, I wish….
- AgHort:
- The animal cost of eating just plants. https://bit.ly/2YDeA2V
- Astronomy:
- A free resource from Teachers Pay Teachers about drawing a scale model of the earth’s atmosphere. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/FreeDownload/Scale-Model-of-Earths-Atmosphere-3581902
- What have we learned about the moon’s chemistry in the 50 years since Apollo 11? https://www.chemistryworld.com/features/what-is-the-moon-made-of/3010686.article
- Chemistry:
- Environmental impact of top 5 industrial emissions. https://cen.acs.org/content/dam/cen/97/24/WEB/09724-industrialimpact.pdf
- Are biodegradable plastics really biodegradable? https://www.compoundchem.com/2019/06/26/biodegradable-plastics/
- Physics:
- Phet interactive simulation HTML5 sim,Blackbody Spectrum! teaches about the blackbody spectrum of Sirius A, the sun, a light bulb & the earth. Adjust the temp to see the effect on wavelength and spectrum intensity.
- Images showing how the Magness effect works and some applications – Flettner Rotors & The Wind Hybrid Coaster
- Science:
- Science Channel has lots of great content on a variety of real-world science topics. These videos are great to supplement your classroom lessons and show students how what they’re learning connects to real life. https://www.sciencechannel.com/
- Citizen science from your seat – this project involves analyzing photos of pests on Taranaki Mounga. https://blog.doc.govt.nz/2019/06/19/volunteer-week-volunteers-lounging-on-the-couch-in-their-pjs/
- Primary
- How to make icecream in a bag https://www.lauracandler.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/IceCreaminaBag.pdf
- Activity exploring relationship between position of light source and length of shadows. http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/gamesactivities/lightshadows.html
- A new resource has been developed to support our understanding of progress & achievement in science, with a focus on levels 2 – 4. This resource draws on findings and insights from the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement 2017 – Science. More info here: http://scienceonline.tki.org.nz/What-do-my-students-need-to-learn/Progress-and-Achievement-in-Science.
- TeachNZ study awards allow teachers & principals to complete part- or full-time study in an educational priority area, improve their proficiency in te reo Māori me ōna tikanga or develop their skills as a bilingual or immersion teacher, among others. Deadlines vary, 26 Aug – 17 Sep https://bit.ly/2MSNm6c
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- House of Science branch, Hutt Science is running teacher PLD on climate change. Includes Prof Renwick, hands on activities from HoS climate change kit & enviroschools. Th 8 Aug, 3:45-5:30pm, Dowse Art Museum (James Coe 1 Rm), 45 Laings Rd, Lower Hutt.
Cheers, Mike