21 Jun | Applications close for BEANZ research project 2020 |
22 Jun | Winter solstice NZ http://www.rasnz.org.nz/in-the-sky/sun-rise-and-set |
29Jun – 7Jul | NZ Garden Bird Survey http://gardenbirdsurvey.landcareresearch.co.nz/ |
24Jun – 7Jul | Matariki www.matarikifestival.org.nz/ |
2 Jul | Total solar eclipse (not visible from NZ). http://www.rasnz.org.nz/in-the-sky/eclipses-2019 |
Moon | FM Jun 17 3Q Jun 25 NM Jul 3 1Q Jul 9 |
- Other Dates
- CSTA HoDs mtg 4:30 Th 27 June at Cashmere High. RSVP asap, to Jenna Wilson wjj@cashmere.school.nz
- Matariki resources:
- Information here https://www.kiwifamilies.co.nz/articles/matariki-maori-new-year/
- Chart showing us how to find the constellation in the night sky. https://www.rasnz.org.nz/17-news-item/510-matariki-finder
- The Eureka! Trust seeks to grow Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) knowledge and develop the communication skills of young New Zealanders. To do this they have created a pathway that starts with Junior Eureka! in years 4-6, continues with the Eureka! Video Awards in years 7-13 and flows into the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka! Awards in years 11 to undergraduate. The awards close at the end of this month. https://www.eureka.org.nz/eureka-awards
- Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
- Bilingual fungi resource. Coming up to Autumn, might be a good resource for junior science with some specific Maori knowledge incorporated. There is a PD in Auckland first two days of upcoming holidays. Daniel Tawhai https://www.huia.co.nz/assets/Uploads/Nga-Hekaheka-o-Aotearoa-Kaiako-Resource.pdf
- Pedagogy:
- eLearning
- Download all the info needed to make yourself a 3D-printable microscope for mobile devices – a smartphone microscope – using just a few plastic and glass materials. https://availabletechnologies.pnnl.gov/technology.asp?id=393
- Geology:
- In this activity students discover plate boundaries using maps and data in an inquiry-based approach, getting valuable practice in observing and classifying data. http://plateboundary.rice.edu/
- A new TV doco series exploring NZ’s fiery past, present & future with researchers & adventurers is airing on Prime, 8:30pm Sundays. Last week’s episode of Beneath NZ followed an expedition to locate the Pink and White Terraces, led by GNS.
- Biology:
- Phylo ecosystem trading card game is based on the concept of Pokémon and highlights species that live on planet Earth while addressing threats to ecosystemsg. wildfires, oil spills, and climate change. Students build food chains, create stable ecosystems, sabotage opponents’ ecosystems, and gain points. http://phylogame.org/
- BBC Video Short Circuit focuses on party pills & osmoregulation – a great way to start the homeostasis https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=leah+Betts+short+circuit
- AgHort:
- The Soil Health Resource Catalogue teaches students about the critical role of soil in our lives with a collection of resources – videos, infographics, interdisciplinary lessons, ppts, publications, and fact sheets. https://soilhealthinstitute.org/resources/soil-health-educational-resources/
- Astronomy:
- Until August, Jupiter will be at its closest to earth for many months & easier to view. https://cosmicpursuits.com/2126/guide-to-observing-planet-jupiter/
- TED talk on mapping galaxies, black holes & stars https://bit.ly/2MBTSzF
- Chemistry:
- 3 revision methods for chemistry. https://eic.rsc.org/revision/3010056.article with some other relevant articles athttps://eic.rsc.org/revision. Ian Torrie, St Cuths
- 10 lessons about the chemistry of coffee https://sites.google.com/a/billingsschools.org/talafuse/chemistry-of-coffee
- Physics:
- A ppt and teachers notes on Medical physics and radioactivity https://bit.ly/2M8ImeH
- A lesson on rocket forces and design https://ceas.uc.edu/special_programs/ceems/CEEMS_Pathways/SIT/CEEMS_InstructionalMaterials/ScienceUnits/PaulSchember_Rockets.html
- Science:
- STEM demonstrations on the International Space Station – Surface Tension, Orbits, Nutrition, Kinetic and Potential Energy, Newton’s Laws of Motion in videos, hands-on activities & teacher guides. https://www.nasa.gov/stemonstrations
- Good article on ocean acidification. https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/shell-shocked-emerging-impacts-ocean-acidification
- Literacy
- Drawing has Powerful Effects on Learning. Cindy Sullivan, Rosehill College https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hntHGr8JR7o&feature=youtu.be
- EfS:
- Climate Feedback is a worldwide network of scientists sorting fact from fiction in climate change media coverage to help readers know which news to trust. https://climatefeedback.org/
Cheers, Mike