NCEA review update for physics teachers

Zoom webinar with David Housden
Tuesday 2 July 2019, 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm

NZIP are currently involved in the NCEA review process. In order to disseminate information from the review process we will be sending out summaries of the meetings and also holding Q&A sessions via Zoom in the coming months. The summary of the first meeting can be found at the following link:

If you would like to join the Zoom webinar please let us know by completing an online Doodle poll – simply click on the link below and type your name and school, then ‘tick’ the box and click on “Continue”; then type your name, school (where it says “Postal address”), email address, and click on “Send”. (If you are not going to join you do not need to complete the Doodle poll.)

Please note that this webinar has a maximum attendance of 100 teachers – we will confirm your attendance by sending you an email closer to the time of the webinar.

If you have any questions please email