Mike’s News Sep 16 on

1-30 Sep Save our Sight Month www.nzao.co.nz
14-21 Sep Māori Language week www.tetaurawhiri.govt.nz ; www.reomaori.co,.nz
16 Sep International Day to Preserve O3 www.uneptie.org/ozonaction/events/ozoneday
16 Sep Deadline for students to register for NZ chem Olympiad
18 Sep Supermoon (a full Moon at closest approach). Partial eclipse not visible from NZ 1-5pm.
18 Sep Teachers PD rocket day. Design, build & launch a rocket in 1 day. $45. Sign up here.
18 Sep 2-4pm NZASE Primary Sci PLD nationwide, Zoom link Register.
18 Sep Guilford & Paringatai talk about finding the stomach cancer gene, Timaru
19 Sep Guilford & Paringatai talk about finding the stomach cancer gene, Christchurch
19 Sep 4pm Science Learning hub webinar on our animals with Georgina Stewart & Sally Birdsall
22 Sep World Rivers day http://worldriversday.com/
22-28 Sep Chinese language week https://www.nzclw.com/ and https://www.nzclw.com/resources
23 Sep Science writing contest closes
23 Sep Café Scientifique Prof Battershill on marine research. 7pm Tauranga Yacht Club. $10.
23 Sep Spring Equinox NZ https://www.rasnz.org.nz/in-the-sky/sun-rise-and-set-1
23-29 Sep Mental Health Awareness Week https://mhaw.nz/
29 Sep Tsunami warning siren test at the beginning of daylight savings, (last Sun in Sep)
29Sep-5Oct Tuvalu Language week, Te Gana Tuvalu www.mpia.govt.nz
30 Sep Deadline to apply for a PM’s science prize for student’s space project. Info here.
30 Sep Deadline to apply for a PM’s science teacher prize. Info here.
Moon FM Sep 18      3Q Sep 25      NM Oct 3      1Q Oct 11
  1. Talks that may be relevant for us
    • Forensic scientist Ruben Miller talks about crime scene investigation at 7pm on 18 Sep at Michael Park School auditorium, Amy St, Ellerslie, Ak. Fundraiser. $10. Book here.
  2. STEM Wana are running maker events these holidays in Tauranga. Students select a taster kit to get to know the equipment, then work on a self-guided project. $15/kid. For 8yo+, only with an adult.


  1. Literacy:
  2. Digital tools:
  3. Student opportunities
    • Earth Science week (14-18 Oct) in US offers some global comps for all ages, all due by 8pm ET 18 Oct: Photography and Video (individuals or teams)
  4. Revision
    • Women in Engineering (UoA) hold free revision classes in the hols for L2/L3 Physics. WiE revision classes


  1. Biology:
  2. Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
  3. Earth & Space Science:
  4. Chemistry:
  5. Physics:
  6. Primary & intermediate:
  7.  Science:
  8. Education for Sustainability (EfS)
    • BioZone has a new booklet and resources on environmental science. Might be worth a look. Info here Register for a free 90-day preview here.
  9. New standards
  10. Curious Minds conference 10am – 2pm 18 Oct at AUT south campus – students from 8 Curious Minds projects will share their research and learning as they practice being a “scientist for the day”


  1. The Education.govt.nz website is changing so it’s more stable & user-friendly. Goes live on 31 Oct. Science stuff, including Safety & Science guidelines, will be here.
  2. MoE is suggesting staff check their measles immunity here. MMR info here.
  3. MoE is providing guidance for mentors & mentees on their journey towards full certification, with a webinar and 13 funded face-to-face workshops from 16 Oct. More info here.

Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities

  1. NZASE is planning PLD for term 4 for both primary and secondary, face-to-face in Otago & Nelson, and also online weekly for secondary. Keep an eye out here.
  2. The Click Foundation is running two fully funded, 5-day PD for teachers in the hols. Learn all about animation, VR, video, 3D printing and more.
  3. Brigette Glasson will next year provide one day/week funded release all year to help Chch primary teachers grow their understanding of how to integrate science in teaching. Primary Science PLD  Email Brigitte
  4. Teachers Only Day for Earth and Space Science 14 Nov at UoA. No Charge. Register here https://forms.gle/XGvRTAewihbEtCHUA
  5. A reminder, Genomics Aotearoa is running a workshop for CB1.3 in Ak Nov 7: GA_Auckland24


  1. Slime can be made just as well with cornstarch and conditioner (in a 1:1 ratio) instead of borax. Other teachers use Goo worms as an example of polymers and cross linking rather than slime.


  1. Hobsonville Point Secondary School Auckland is looking for a teacher with maths/science/ DigiTech-coding. Opportunities for integrated course-creation, project-based STEM learning. Ad.

Cheers, Mike

Mike’s News is brought to you with the generous support of NZASE and Warp Computers