Mike’s News 8 July

7-10Jul BioLive/ChemEd Dunedin. https://biolivechemed2019.wordpress.com 4pmSun-3pm Wed
8 Jul Deadline for 2019 Tiritiri Fullers 360 Junior Science Award
11July World Population Day www.stats.govt.nz  then Schools Corner
16 Jul Partial lunar eclipse (not visible fr NZ) http://www.rasnz.org.nz/in-the-sky/eclipses-2019
21Jul 1969 1st moon walk www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11_40th.html#.UtmgLOuBr-k
Moon 1Q Jul 9      FM Jul 16      3Q Jul 25      NM Aug 1     


  1. Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
  2. Pedagogy:
    • TheBest Evidence Science Teaching project aims to make research-informed resources freely & widely available to science teachers. It has 600+ resources for 11-14 science, including progression toolkits, diagnostic questions and response activities, all developed from the best available research evidence and all available to download for free from BestEvidenceScienceTeaching.org
  3. The 11th House of Science branch is launching in the Wairarapa in term 3.  If you or someone you know in the Wairarapa is in a position to support this new branch – as a volunteer, sponsor of the kits or customer, please get in touch with Amanda here
  4. For the Love of Bees is an organisation that runs many events including a drop-in free class, the Victoria Park Free Natural Beekeeping School. It happens on the 1st Sunday of every month covering a different learning topic to ensure a comprehensive understanding of bee keeping over the course of a year. Next one 7 Jul 10am at the Circability Centre in Vic Park.
  5. If you are considering applying to MoE for free PLD targeted to your specific needs then the next round of proposals is due 16-17 August. Go to http://services.education.govt.nz/pld/


  1. Geology:
  1. Biology:
  1. AgHort:
    • Learn about Ag has an array of agriculture-themed lesson plans, fact sheets, activities & other resources. Ag-Bites are 1-page activity sheets of simple hands-on ag learning experiences for every grade level. https://learnaboutag.org/
  1. Astronomy:
    • NASA Science Toolkits have digital resources for K–12 educators – resources featuring posters, models & space images and illustrations. https://science.nasa.gov/toolkits
  1. Chemistry:
    • Molecule of the week–features a new molecule every week. Every structure is reviewed by a scientist and displayed in 3-D and flat images with a brief description.
    • Use of spectroscopic techniques by ‘art detectives’ to uncover fraudulent paintings.
  1. Physics:
  1. Science:
  1. Primary
  1. NoS
    • Science, Naturally! has online STEM mysteries, each a one-page, literature-based, math- and science-themed brainteasers to help students learn how to extract the important data needed to solve problems while also strengthening reading skills. https://www.sciencenaturally.com/mystery-of-the-month


  1. Some info on the progress of the NCEA update: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Review-of-Achievement-Standards-summary-190628-1.docx

Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities

  1. PLD from Learning Network NZ ph 09 835 0912: Kath Murdoch is running 2 courses in term 3 Nurturing Learner Agency Through Inquiry. Ak 12 Sep. Tauranga 13 Sep.
  2. Sabina Cleary is running a workshop on Safety in School Labs in Hamilton 12 Sep. This is for Lab managers, HoDs, Technicians and teachers. Info: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Safety-in-School-Laboratories-1-day-course-12-September-2019.pdf

Cheers, Mike