- SciCon: NZASE is holding this biannual conference over a term-time weekend early next year. Check out the website and think about booking your Auckland flights while there are still cheap seats available. https://nzase.org.nz/scicon-2020/
- The KineticKiwi is a competition for yr 9-13 students to explore and showcase their passion for science by creating a 3-5 min video about a science-related topic they’ve learnt about at school. Submissions will be judged based on creativity, understanding and interest. A possible revision activity? Details here https://kinetickiwi.co.nz/competition/
- There is a lot of PLD available in term 4. This is the information we have so far: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Term-4-gatherings-of-teachers.docx
- Predator Free 2050 Limited – student grants available Predator Free 2050 Limited is seeking applications from students wishing to conduct possum, rat or mustelid fieldwork projects, particularly in urban and rural landscapes. Closing date: 11 October 2019.
Cheers, Mike