1-30 Sep | Save our Sight Month www.nzao.co.nz |
1-30 Sep | Asthma Awareness Month http://www.breathebetterseptember.co.nz/ |
16 Sep | International Day to Preserve O3 www.uneptie.org/ozonaction/events/ozoneday. |
19 Sep | NZ Chemistry Olympiad training group selection exam on-line thru’ Education Perfect |
21 Sep | Alison Campbell’s 2nd Bio Schol prep day, Sancta Maria College 10am – 3pm. |
22-28 Sep | Chinese language week https://www.nzclw.com/ |
23 Sep | Spring Equinox NZ http://www.rasnz.org.nz/in-the-sky/sun-rise-and-set |
27 Sep | NZQA Biology Best Practice workshop at Macleans College, Ak. Book a place. |
28Sep1928 | Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin. https://www.famousscientists.org/alexander-fleming/ |
29 Sep | World Rivers day http://worldriversday.com/ |
29Sep-5Oct | Tuvalu Language week www.mpia.govt.nz |
Moon | 3Q Sep 22 NM Sep 29 1Q Oct 6. FM Oct 14. |
- A resource for Chinese Language week: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Chinese-language-week.docx
- Conservation Week (14-22 Sep) LiveStream activities from Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research links last week did not work apologies. All can be reached from this link https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/events/1117-conservation-week-livestreams
- Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
- Science/putaiao resources in te reo https://www.akopanuku.tki.org.nz/rauemi/curriculum/#filter=.putaiaoscience
- NZH article about an ancient Māori healer and pioneer of herbal medicine / rongoa.. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/health-and-science/news/article.cfm?c_id=1504556&objectid=12124486
- Pedagogy:
- The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies from Secondary Literacy List Serve
- An American teacher shares the skills she teaches in her 1st week of any high school science course. https://bit.ly/2zJXxlG
- Geology:
- Under Pressure is an ELI activity using lab measurements of the force applied by different depths of sand and water to calculate their downward pressure. These figures are then used to extrapolate to likely pressures at crustal depths. https://www.earthlearningidea.com/PDF/189_Pressure_rock.pdf
- Recreating the Rocks is an ELI that helps students understand how dipping sedimentary rock sequences form using a series of activities to ‘recreate rocks’ & the forces that tilted them. https://www.earthlearningidea.com/PDF/321_Recreating_rocks.pdf
- Biology:
- Chris Stringer’s summary of the impact of the last 15yr’s DNA evidence on our under-standing of human evolution. https://www.ft.com/content/6fc26e8c-ada8-11e9-8030-530adfa879c2?fbclid=IwAR2yjRAEEew6ycHBpzwGOlcFcSEQvHNHg7AdhOtD674SB2zr_XxzQifHo8o
- A resource on drawing: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Drawing-in-Science.docx
- AgHort:
- This interactive illustrates key steps in the process of farming New Zealand’s endemic green-lipped mussels. http://legacy.biotechlearn.org.nz/focus_stories/farming_green_lipped_mussels/how_mussels_are_farmed_in_new_zealand
- Astronomy:
- Voyager 2 continues into outer space, sending us useful info. https://bit.ly/2ktA842
- Explaining variations in atmospheric methane levels on Mars https://bit.ly/2lG49xD
- Chemistry:
- Resource from Ed in Chem – Pass the salt – ideas on fundamental chemistry and separation techniques for younger students. IT
- Lessons based on oil spill effects and clean up https://www.teachengineering.org/lessons/view/cub_enveng_lesson01
- Physics:
- This site has some really good animations for electricity & electromagnetism. Matthew Synge. https://nationalmaglab.org/education/magnet-academy/watch-play/interactive
- Lawrence Hall of Science webinars: Amplify science grades K-5, Amplify Science grades 6-8, Phenomena-based teaching, Embedding engineering, phenomena II. 3pm EST = 7am NZT https://go.info.amplify.com/amplify-science-webinars-2019?utm_campaign=20190903_FY19_Science_sciencewebinars_National_fall2019_webinar_National&utm_medium=dedicatedsend&utm_source=smartbrief-ascd
- Science:
- A simple explanation of global warming https://ab.co/2Znz1G4
- Pūtātara is a resource that promotes sustainability and global citizenship through inquiry learning using tūrangawaewae, kaitiakitanga and whakapuāwai as pou arahi. Pūtātara also aligns with The NZC by encouraging schools and teachers to collaborate with whānau, iwi, industries, councils, and stakeholders.
- Revision
- Revision retrieval clock. Student’s revise 12 different topics in 3-4 minute time periods, filling each section with info, key words or pictures of what they can remember. Then use class notes & textbook to identify gaps in knowledge: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Revision-retrieval-clock.pptx
- eLearning:
- Minecraft, one of the world’s most popular games, now has a new version. On Ngā Motu (The Islands), students can build their own wharenui & learn words in te reo Māori. Ngā Motu is part of Minecraft: Education Edition, which is available to all state and state-integrated schools at no cost. https://bit.ly/2HX1qIp
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- Earth & Space Science Scholarship
- ESSE provides support for Schol teachers in the form of comprehensive resources and/or online conversations. Email pollock2@gmail.com
- Free workshop for teachers or students. All bring computer, teachers also bring useful resources to share. Morning tea provided, bring/buy your own lunch. To register contact Jenny Pollock earthspacenz@gmail.com or pollock2@gmail.com
- Auckland Oct 18, 9:15-2:45, Kohia Centre, 78 Epsom Ave, parking at Gate 2.
- Tauranga, Oct 17, 9.15 am – 2.30 pm, House of Science, 671 Cameron Rd.
- Adelaide Botanic High School is hosting a STEM conference29 Nov. They aim to bring together educators who are interested in sharing & exploring teaching methods, tools, resources & related activities for implementing STEM education in years 6-11. https://www.sasta.asn.au/professional_learning/2019_stem_conference_years_611
Cheers, Mike