1-30 Sep | Save our Sight Month www.nzao.co.nz |
1-30 Sep | Asthma Awareness Month http://www.breathebetterseptember.co.nz/ |
29 Sep-5 Oct | Tuvalu Language week www.mpia.govt.nz |
1-31 Oct | Health Literacy month www.healthliteracymonth.org/ |
1-31 Oct | Save Kiwi month www.kiwisforkiwi.org/save-kiwi-week/schools |
4-10 Oct | World Space week www.worldspaceweek.org/ |
5/30 Oct | World/NZ Teachers day www.worldteachersday.org |
6-12 Oct | Fiji language week www.mpia.govt.nz |
7 Oct | World Habitat Day https://www.un.org/en/events/habitatday/ |
7 Oct | Café Scientifique: NZ’s extinct frogs, The Arborist, 166 Willis St, Wgtn, 5:30 – 7 pm |
8 Oct | Ada Lovelace day, women in STEM http://findingada.com/ |
9-11 Oct | U-Learn, Rotorua 9 – 11 Oct. Register here |
10 Oct | World Sight Day http://www.iapb.org/advocacy/world-sight-day |
10 Oct | Lisa Matisoo-Smith talk on DNA & human migration, 1 Fell St, Blenheim, 6-7:30 pm |
10 Oct | Deadline to nominate a teacher or student for PM’s science prizes |
11-12 Oct | Breast Cancer Awareness www.nzbcf.org.nz (Pink Ribbon) |
13-19 Oct | Earth Sciences week (USA) http://www.earthsciweek.org/about-esw |
13-19 Oct | Get Ready Week, marking the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction |
13-19 Oct | Niue language week www.mpia.govt.nz |
Moon | 1Q Oct 6 FM Oct 14 3Q Oct 22 NM Oct 28. |
- Language week resources:
- Tuvaluan common phrases: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Common-phrases-Tuvalu.docx
- Fijian language activity book https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/learn/for-educators/teaching-resources/fijian-language-activity-book
- Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
- Kauwhata Reo is a central online hub for te reo Māori resources. It is designed to make teaching and learning in te reo Māori fun, easy and relevant for teachers, learners and whānau.
- Ak Practice Day workshop for Scholarship Chemistry Sat 12 Oct. Info: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Schol-Practice-Day-in-Ak.pdf
- Geology:
- The new ELI today is‘Melting ice and sea level change 1 – sea ice: does sea level change when floating sea ice melts?’ This activity investigates the impact on water levels of allowing floating ice to melt. There is much misunderstanding of the impact on world sea level of melting sea ice, which this simple activity should dispel.
- PowerPoint animation to illustrate stratification (Stuart Palmer, Rosehill College): https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Geol-History-SPrc-animation-gif.ppt
- Biology:
- An app for identifying NZ animal tracks http://nztracker.org/
- Article on 3D printing of human organs. Cosmos 9 Sep. Access from your local library. https://cosmosmagazine.com/biology/a-new-approach-to-3d-printing-human-organs
- Astronomy:
- A video, assembled from hundreds of thousands of separate images, of the rendezvous of the Rosetta spacecraft with a comet back in 2016.
- USA celebrates Earth Observation Day October 15 to engage students and teachers in remote sensing as an exciting and powerful educational tool. Lessons and activities and resources available at https://americaview.org/program-areas/education/earth-observation-day/
- Chemistry:
- Flea & tick treatments for pets https://www.compoundchem.com/2019/08/26/fleas/
- Royal Society Te Apārangi has released a new report“Plastics in the Environment: Te Ao Hurihuri – The Changing World”. This evidence summary explores the use and disposal of plastics and the effects on the environment and human health in Aotearoa. https://royalsociety.org.nz/plastics
- Physics:
- Science Learning Hub have revised their measurement resources in light of the redefined SI units. There are new videos, interactives and even information about early Maori measurement. https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/concepts/measurement
- Science:
- If you’re interested in incorporating the UN Sustainable Development Goals into your science programme, this resource may help. Possible cross-curricular themes. https://innovationsdglab.com/book
- Debunking arguments against climate change. https://bit.ly/2meV4fD
- A summary of where the NCEA review is up to and what can be expected in the next few months: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/RAS-Trial-of-Level-1-Science.docx
- A summary of trends in past exams is a useful activity to ask students to do (Carolle Varughese): https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Mechanics-Trends-L3.pdf
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- PLD for Auckland teachers from Learning Network NZ ph 09 835 0912:
- Women in Leadership Series – Creating a Culture of Care in the Workplace.Mary-Anne Murphy discusses the challenges of Well-being at a “people” and “systems” level. 31 Oct
- Innovative Learning Environments.Mark Osborne leads a hands-on workshop designing a learning environment that is effective for all learners. 22 Nov
- Science Learning Hub is running a free online professional development webinar,Science capabilities in action, on Thurs 31 Oct, 4:00–4:45 pm. Greta Dromgool will present the workshop alongside participants of the Royal Society Science Teacher Leadership Programme. Register here for this Zoom webinar.
- Science Seminar: Perspectives in the 21st Century. The science symposium / seminar series was established in 2005 to provide a PLD opportunity for science leaders in the Waikato & BoP regions. Relevant for ECE, primary, secondary & tertiary teachers. 15 Nov 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM, Waikato uni (gate 4), 180 Hillcrest Rd, Hamilton. https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/OFRE11/
- Mel Galbraith (Unitec) is organising a seminar day for senior biology teachers: Biology in Context, Wed 27 Nov. Please keep the day free. Topics & registration details to follow.
Cheers, Mike