1-30 Sep | Save our Sight Month www.nzao.co.nz |
1-30 Sep | Asthma Awareness Month http://www.breathebetterseptember.co.nz/ |
9-15 Sep | Maori Language week www.tetaurawhiri.govt.nz |
9-15 Sep | Keep NZ Beautiful Week (Clean Up Week) www.knzb.org.nz/ |
9 Sep | NZASE Safety in School Labs workshop, Whangarei Girls’. Book here. |
10 Sep | NZASE workshop, yrs 1-10, Whangarei Girls’. Register here |
11 Sep | ASTA event at Stardome Observatory, 4:30-6:30. Book here. |
12 Sep | NZASE Safety in school labs course, Berkley Normal Middle school, Hamilton. Book here. |
12 Sep | Science Learning Hub free online PLD, 4-4:45pm, Online Citizen Science. Register here |
12 Sep | Deadline for proposals for Curious Minds funding. More info here. |
12 Sep | Deadline to apply to enter NZ Chem Olympiad Sep exam. Enter here. |
13 Sep | NZASE Safety in school labs course, Tauranga Girls’. Book here. |
14-22 Sep | Conservation Week www.doc.govt.nz |
14 Sep | Mini-conference on STEAM, Rosehill College, Auckland, 9:30-2:30. More info here. |
16 Sep | International Day to Preserve O3 www.uneptie.org/ozonaction/events/ozoneday. |
19 Sep | NZ Chemistry Olympiad training group selection exam on-line thru’ Education Perfect |
21 Sep | Alison Campbell’s 2nd Bio Schol prep day, Sancta Maria College 10am – 3pm. Book here. |
22-28 Sep | Chinese language week https://www.nzclw.com/ |
23 Sep | Spring Equinox NZ http://www.rasnz.org.nz/in-the-sky/sun-rise-and-set |
Moon | FM Sep 14 3Q Sep 22 NM Sep 29 1Q Oct 6. |
- Conservation Week (14-22 Sep) LiveStream activities from Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research: Harakeke Arthropods Fungi Bacteria Subantarctica
- Culturally Responsive & Relational Pedagogy:
- New Tapasā resource videos. Each video has conversation starters, supplementary resources and subtitles to build teachers’ confidence in using Tapasā to engage with Pacific learners. https://teachingcouncil.nz/content/tapas%C4%81-resources
- An app to help teachers pronounce the names of students in their school: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/388512/student-creates-app-to-help-teachers-pronounce-names-properly
- AnyQuestions responses to student’s research questions about
- The Prime Minister’s Science Prizes applications are now open and close Oct 10.
- ESSE subject association is having its 1st AGM in Wgtn this month. They can pay travel expenses for any members or regional reps who would like to be involved. Info: https://www.mikesnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Earth-and-Space-Science-Educators-AGM.docx
- Have your say in the public consultation on our Biodiversity Strategy before 22 Sep https://www.the-hive.nz/
- Pūkorokoro Miranda Shorebird Centre is having an open day 14 Sep. Flora & fauna guides available on the trail 8-11am. Keith Woodley talks at the centre at 11 am. Volunteers weed the shell bank at 12 pm. All welcome, bring your lunch.
- Geology:
- Recent NZ Herald article on White Island https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12244504
- Resources on geological maps: https://www.earthsciweek.org/geologic-map-day
- Biology:
- A collection of resources for teaching freshwater ecology. Krysia Nowak https://www.taupofortomorrow.co.nz/resources-for-the-classroom?fbclid=IwAR1T7Sh9JcoC89Vgu0RKubXYQUeRsITzrDEDsEh9zXC76O-7wCSNfZfT3QU
- Wildlife activities influenced by the moon: https://bit.ly/2XHQNOS
- Chemistry
- The chemistry of henna https://www.compoundchem.com/2019/08/12/henna/
- A new carbon ring with 18 atoms https://www.sciencenews.org/article/chemists-have-created-and-imaged-new-form-carbon?utm_source=Editors_Picks&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorspicks081819
- Physics:
- A blog about how language we use affects students’ reasoning about heat in thermo-dynamics https://sciblogs.co.nz/physics-stop/2019/07/23/language-in-physics-teaching/
- An article about the drifting North pole. https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevornace/2019/02/05/earths-magnetic-north-pole-has-officially-moved/?fbclid=IwAR25m5mGShWH_Bj8-ia_rFLbYpzIS3jszGmAqdvQ3Niw7oDbeuuaoonb6sc#54310f886862
- Science:
- A climate change quiz to do with your students. M Denny, AGGS https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2019/04/specials/climate-change-solutions-quiz/
- ABC resources on water. https://ab.co/2MAYHZl
- Nature of Science
- Some interesting resources from ABC on critiquing the news. https://ab.co/2ZtOCmS
Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities
- PLD for those mentoring teachers in their school https://teachingcouncil.nz/content/courses-relevant-mentor-teacher-development
- Nick Pattison and a group of students will show how STEM fits in with your curriculum at Ormiston College, Sat 21 Sep (new date!). Learning Network NZ. $250 for nonmembers https://www.learningnetwork.ac.nz/shared/products/productCourse.aspx?id=COUR1931
Cheers, Mike