Mike’s News May 6

8 May ASTA PLD session for yrs 1-10 science. 4-6pm, Mission Heights JC. Register here.
8 May National School Nurses Day (wed in week of world nurse’s day)
9 May Science Fair PLD 4-5:30 ftf in Remuera, Ak or online. Register here to get address / link.
9-15 May NZ Sign Language Week http://nzslweek.org.nz/
11 May World Migratory Bird Day www.worldmigratorybirdday.org (2nd Sat In May)
12 May World Nurses Day www.timeanddate.com/holidays/world/nurses-day
12-18 May Rotuman Language week www.mpia.govt.nz/programmes
13 May Deadline for teachers to enter Blake Inspire Teacher Program. Apply here
13-17 May Primary Science Week (Term 2 week 3) http://nzapse.nzase.org.nz/
16 May International Day of Light
16 May National Support Staff day www.nzei.org.nz (now aligned with the International day)
17 May Pink Shirt Day NZ (bullying) www.pinkshirtday.org.nz/
17 May Deadline to apply for Regionally Allocated PLD. Apply
18 May Fascination of Plant Day www.plantday12.eu
20 May World Bee Day https://www.un.org/en/observances/bee-day
20-26 May Tech Week https://nztech.org.nz/2023/12/14/techweek-24-save-the-date/
Moon NM May 8      1Q May 15      FM May 24      3Q May 31
  1. Te Papa will host a Matariki kaiako evening event on Tues 14 May. Educators can also download Matariki and maramataka teaching resources to use in the classroom, or book a Matariki education visit for ECE or primary students. Visit the website here for more information.
  2. Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari is holding a Gala Dinner & Art Auction Wed 5 June 6pm-11pm, Don Rowlands Centre, Mighty River Domain, Karapiro, Cambridge. Cocktail dress. $220. Info here.
  3. NZAPSE newsletter spells out offerings for Primary Science week, among other things: NZAPSE newsletter 240429
  4. Technicians, registration for ConSTANZ2024 is now open. Early bird price til 1 Aug. https://sites.google.com/view/constanz2024/home


  1. Professional reading/watching/listening:
    • This FutureMakers newsletter includes articles about AI – a mix of strategic and practical ideas for educators; the 10 most significant education studies of 2023; a new book on leadership.
  2. Student opportunities:
    • Young Rutherfords’ term-time courses (Auckland)
      • Introduction to Nuclear science: Tues 4 Jun. $30. Book here.
      • Atoms and molecules: Tues 4 Jun. $25. Book here
    • Nature’s Den offers an enriching learning experience for kids through outdoor nature play, forest & farm, during the term & in the holidays, 9:00-2:30. E & S Ak & Franklin. $75/kid/day
    • In Samsung’s Solve for Tomorrow comp students identify an issue in their community then create an new solution. Plan in by 24 Jun, final entry by 2 Sep.
    • Apply to be one of 5 NZ students and I teacher supported to attend an International High School Summit on Tsunami Awareness in Japan. EOI only by 8 May Tsunami Awareness Summit info
  3. Teacher Opportunities:
  4. Digital tools:
  5. Podcasts:
  6. Congratulations to the 2023 Prime Ministers Science Prize winners, including Sunny Perry, Kerikeri HS, (Future Scientist Prize), Madeleine Collins, Green Bay HS, (Science Teacher Prize) and UoC volcanologist Ben Kennedy (science communicator). The team working on the Walker family’s stomach cancer gene were also recognised.


  1. Biology:
  2. Agricultural and Horticultural Science:
    • A list of Grow Questions in the four L1 topics (Environment, Plant, Animal and Location) from Lauren Roberts. Topics Card Sort
    • Fieldays 12-15 Jun, Mystery Ck, Hamilton provide learning about agriculture, forestry, science, technology, sustainability & PI careers. $10pp for student groups. Complete form before 7 Jun.
  3. Earth & Space Science:
  4. Chemistry:
  5. Physics:
    • video about friction.
    • The Otago Physics Dept used to post Schol Qs regularly on FB. In response to survey have created a booklet of 40 Qs and As. Feedback please Draft questions, draft answers.
  6. Primary & intermediate:
  7. Middle School:
  8.  Science:
  10. New standards


  1. Word from MoE is that work on the refreshed schooling curricula (The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa) will continue.
  2. Linda and Paula have asked me to let you know that for the moment they are still available to support NCEA implementation. Please continue to contact them with questions and issues you need help with.

Professional Learning & Development (PLD) Opportunities

  1. Kohia courses, (you will be given the exact city campus venue on registration). Face-to-face unless otherwise stated. P=primary, I = intermediate, S = secondary
  2. MoE is holding webinars on understanding hijab and other forms of covering in Islam. There will be an opportunity for Q & A at the end of the session. Register here for Wed 29 May, 3:30-4:15 pm, or here for Tues 4 June, 3:30-4:15 pm
  3. Online PLD on the Arctic, $297 USD. https://odysseydiscovery.com/courses
  4. Puke Ariki (Taranaki) invites primary & secondary school teachers to a talk from Tāne Manukonga on how to embed cultural understandings within the classroom, linked to history and the environment. 22 May, 6-7:30pm. Free event, no booking required
  5. Science in Van’s Hive Mind webinar, Putting the A into STEAM, is on 9 May, 4pm. This online PLD is about the physical sciences and for teachers of yrs 1-8. More info here

Cheers, Mike

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